Dwayne Johnson dał mamie nowy dom

Kategoria kino · 31 grudnia 2018

Dwayne Johnson dał mamie na gwiazdkę nowy dom.

Aktor umieścił w sieci filmik z momentu gdy wręcza mamie prezent. Nie jest to jeszcze dom lecz bilet, dzięki któremu mama aktora będzie mogła sobie kupić dom jaki chce i gdzie chce. Hojny darczyńca przy okazji wyznał, że prezent związany jest z tym, iż z powodu licznych przeprowadzek państwo Johnson nigdy nie mieli prawdziwego domu.

W przyszłym i 2020 roku do kin wejdą co najmniej cztery filmy z udziałem Dwayne'a Johnsona. Będą to "Red Notice", "Hobbs and Shaw", "Jungle Cruise" oraz Fighting with My Family".

Wyświetl ten post na Instagramie.

This one felt good. Surprise! Bought my mom a new home for Christmas. All our lives growing up we lived in little apartments all across the country. Lived like gypsies on the road from one state to another. The first home my parents ever lived in was the one I bought for them in 1999. They divorced about 5yrs later and as with life, stuff happens and things got a little complicated. Since then I always made sure my mom and dad have everything they´ll ever need - houses, cars etc. But the house this time is a special one and the timing is very meaningful. I told her to treat this card like it´s "Willy Wonka´s Golden Ticket" because she gets to choose any home she wants - anywhere she wants. I always say, if you got a good mama, then you gotta pretty good shot at becoming a decent human being. And somehow, somewhere along the line I became one lucky SOB to be able to make stuff like this happen. Merry Christmas Ma and WOOOHOOO enjoy your new home. Dwanta